Beginner/high beginner

En français, S.V.P.!
Audio Visual
A school exchange - Olga is in Montmagny to learn French. Her exchange partner, Ginette, says she’ll have no problem speaking English at Olga’s. But at home, Olga speaks Ukrainian! Beginner (Grades 3 and up)

Au voleur!
Audio Visual
Looking for a thief - A new Sigma Plus computer is delivered to the École Beauséjour. When it goes missing, the police arrest the new principal by mistake! Beginner (Grades 3 and up)

Bonne chance, Roger!
Audio Visual
Discussing professions - It’s Career Day at École du Sacré-Coeur. Roger says his future profession will be “millionaire”. And it’ll be easy. He’ll win the lottery! Beginner (Grades 3 and up)

Quel buffet!
Audio Visual
Ordering in a restaurant - Nicolas Perron’s family is celebrating his birthday at a fancy restaurant. Nicolas comes back from the buffet with four desserts. After all, it is his birthday! Beginner (Grades 3 and up)

Bienvenue au camp!
Audio Visual
At summer camp - Denis is the star athlete at summer camp. But at the beach, he ends up playing in the sand with a little pail and shovel! Beginner (Grades 3 and up)

Bonne plongée!
Audio Visual
Vacationing in Guadeloupe - A group of students decide to go diving on Guadeloupe. But one says he isn’t interested in tropical fish. Sure, he loves fish… but only as seafood! Beginner (Grades 3 and up)

Ma maison - audiobook
Four short, easy conversations about everyday life at home. Beginner/ Low Intermediate (Grades 4 and up)

Super sports - audiobook
Audio Visual
Four short, easy conversations about different sports - and how much fun it is to participate! High beginner-Low intermediate